Wow, it has been a minute since my last post. I believe at the time I was having networking trouble and was playing WoW-Mania. I kinda fell off the face of the earth and left this website to slowly die. Well reader I am back in action, and going to pick up where I left off. It is 2022 and I did indeed fix the networking issues by running a direct line to my office area with cat 6 cabling and adding a 4 port switch to run the secondary access point, moved over from Century Link to Comcast. So far it is very stable, and able to run many things without a problem. As for 3d printing, I kinda stopped at the same time the website stopped getting updates, right now I am in search of a 6 inch" stainless steel round plate so I can change the 101 Hero to have a magnetic bed that way I don't have to deal with taping the glass, and being frustrated when trying to remove the prints. I have stopped playing Wow-Mania and moved to play DBZ Xenoverse 2. Okay, I believe that is all for now, let us have a great new year, and many more posts to follow.