Hey guys, Sig here and today we will discuss changes to the Website, and what is next for Signako Productions. Lets address the elephant in the room shall we? I have been absent for a couple months. Sadly, I have had some health issues that I was diagnosed with earlier this year that has really zapped my time, and energy into healing. That and my current profession has me staring at duel monitors 8-9 hours a day, and it is hard to concentrate on any projects when I am off the clock. This has become a cycle that I need to break, and get back into developing.
So what changes did we perform on the website? Well I removed the Knight Image from the main page and added the about me to it instead of it being on a sub category. Next, I added the current projects that I have made, and created hyper links to the pages the website has currently. Last I added a donation button, instead of having it hidden in the sub category before, that way anyone who wants to help out can. As time goes on I will keep working on updates to get the Website as user friendly as possible for Desktop, and Mobile view.
So what is next for Signako Productions? Well currently game project: Dig is going well, all core coding has been completed along with art, all there is left is level design. Next is Blogs, as I have tried to stay on the topic of Indie Development it has really caused a lack in content. That and I want to discuss many things like Tech, Other games etc. I have read that having many topics causes a negative trend in site growth, but lack of content is even worse. So I will start branching in other subjects while always updating you on Projects that I am currently working on.
Well that is all I have for now, if you have any suggestions, or questions please feel free to contact me via the CONTACT Tab. As always, stay savvy guys.