Hey guys Sig here, and today we are going to go over a small update on the game Chance. After releasing Chance, I noticed it had a white pixel that would appear when the Rock button was called. It has been corrected. I also decided to create an Intro Screen for the game to give it a bit more polish. I had to also change the Hub on Byond to meet the requirements to be published. This means being searchable in their group tags. I guess we now play the waiting game….
For Christmas, I purchased a tablet to do pixel art. So far it is already making me not regret getting it as it has helped me overhaul many of the BMAZE artwork. I also enrolled myself into a Coder Camp to increase my knowledge of coding. This should help me in my goal into becoming a developer in both applications, and games.
This is a short post. I will go over BMAZE in a future update, and also the larger project that I have been talking about. As always guys stay savvy!