Hey guys Sig here, and today we will be talking about failed prints. As you may know I

have been trying to improve my printer, and get the settings correct for printing. I decided to create first some anti wobble supports for the control arm from #Thingiverse. I found the exact type for my printer, and decided to make 6 of them. They had a 2.0 millimeter height on the Z axis, and I changed that to 3.0 millimeter for strength.After they were complete, I started to remove one of the control arms to make a test fit, and behold my first problem, the holes were way too small. Now they came out really good, and I didn't want to just toss them, so I decided to mold them to fit, and a few of them broke. I decided to put back on the original anti wobble supports I created a few weeks back instead, and saved 4 of the new ones for other projects. As the old saying goes, failure leads to wisdom, so I learned that i will need to measure a few times first, adjust for shrinkage, and edit as needed in a autocad software. This should increase the quality of the print, and reduce waste. That is all for today guys, so keep learning and stay savvy guys!