Hey guys Sig here and today we will be discussing the sad state of #PerfectWorld

International. I started back in November of 2008 as a #Blademaster named Signako, and I for one thought the game had lots of promise. It had Magic, Sword fighting, a chinese lore, and dragons! Who wouldn't want to try this game out for themselves. Leveling through the lands of Pan Gu, with a engineering buddy I got playing was lots of fun. The game was #F2P(Free-To-Play), and only had mounts, and clothing in the cash shop which didn't really interest me much except for a black panther mount I wanted. Then came the jolly jones boxes, as a coin sing, and that is where the problem began. The Project Manager at the time promised that they would never sell #P2W(Pay-To-Win) gear in cash shop, and these jolly jones boxes were exactly it. The economy split between those who would spend 100$ or more to get to end game, and those who would stay free and grind there way. Lets just say Perfect World International started to favor those 100$ spenders. More, and more items were introduced behind a pay wall, and those of us who didn't spend started to spend to get somewhere. I sank 5-10$ here and there, and rose through the ranks, and for a time that was the norm where I was happy with. Then Perfect World got greedy by introducing random chance packs every update. This split the playerbase even further which resulted in a downward spiral of loss players. Perfect World tried to get the free-play group back by introducing Genies, Morai, even Primal World, but that greed kept growing, which introduced more pay walls. After a Dragon Quest(DQ) Nerf to 1 coin to combat the bots in China, PWI tried a DQ shop of their own, which was one of the nicest things for a time, but then Perfect World China wouldn't be benifiting from all that cash revenue so that was scrapped. I for one was making video guides at the time, and it seemed I would move on to something else. TIme goes and and I make a return, as one would do thinking that many problems should be fixed. I was wrong, I was dead wrong. Armor, Crafting materials, everything was set to 1 coin, stating that they were combating the bots. I see old ways to make money reduced to 1 coin, and players charging 1.9b coins for items because they spent 500$ or more on this game. This game had great promise, this game was the fun, I would spend huge amount of hours, running Territory Wars etc, but that was then, and this is now. Perfect World in my book died, and is just a shadow of it self hidden behind pay walls. Sad day but as always uninstall #PWI and stay savvy guys!