Hey guys Sig here, and today we will discuss the MMORPG Rift, and what they are going

to introduce, Rift Prime. This will be a Pay-to-Play server like back when Rift first started out before it became Free-to-Play. It will start out with the basic game, and slowly unlock each expansion at a pace faster than the original. There will be no more lock boxes, and a reduced micro transaction store kinda like WoW has. For me I see a double edge sword here since many of us including myself like the Free-to-Play aspect of the game. I rather pay small micro transactions to advance my enjoyment, and not feel I am forced to play a game because there is a timer. Don't get me wrong here, I think that a Pay-to-Play version would give the developers more freedom to build more onto the game, and create a more devoted fan base, free of bots, and trolls. This is where a fan base will split between Free-to-Play, and Pay-to-Play, it will be up to Rift's staff to decided which of the two will give their support. Who knows though, the game might gain massive numbers, or a stable community, or it might not. Time will tell though, so as always, download Rift, and stay savvy guys!